Resources for Consumers

Our CAP Team has created a self-help resource guide for consumers. Take a look for yourself and see if your question is answered!

Having Issues With Your Health Care?

Do you have any questions or issues with your current health care coverage?

CCHI has created guides and information below to provide consumers with the best contacts and resources to help them resolve any issue. Use the search feature to find the guide you’re looking for!

Colonoscopies: Preventative vs. DiagnosticThis guide explains what types of colonoscopies are covered under preventative services and what are not considered preventative colonoscopies. Colonoscopies are used to identify colorectal cancers and other intestinal issues.
Credit Reports and Medical DebtCredit reports can no longer include information about medical debt (HB23-1126) in Colorado. This new law protects Coloradans from credit harm by keeping medical debt information off their credit reports. Visit the link to find resources for people with medical debt.
Health Insurance for Immigrant FamiliesThis guide helps immigrant families find health insurance options they might qualify for. For OmniSalud specific issues, read our OmniSalud Insurance Guide.
Health Insurance Terms (English/Spanish)This guide defines all the terms typically used in health care systems and insurance companies. Available in English and Spanish.
Hospital Discounted CareIf you are having issues with hospital bills visit our Hospital Discounted Care page.

Hospital Financial Assistance, Charity Care
Marketplace Plan (Connect for Health Colorado)If you are having issues with enrollment through Connect for Health Colorado, their service center, health coverage guides, advance premium tax credits, or paying your premiums, contact Connect for Health Colorado.

What you can do:
Call at (855) 752-6749
Provide feedback, file a complaint or appeal their decision electronically or by mail.
Feedback or Questions
Medicaid, CHP+ Coverage

Health First Colorado
If you are having issues with your membership or benefits, or finding providers or services, contact Colorado’s Department of Health Care Policy and Financing (HCPF).

What you can do:
Call the Medicaid Customer Contact Center toll-free at 1-800-221-3943
Access more resources and information at HCPF’s website
Report Suspected Medicaid Fraud
OmniSalud Insurance GuideThis guide is for individuals who have enrolled in a Colorado Option plan through the OmniSalud Program. It includes information on benefits, how to navigate the health care system, and how to dispute a medical bill.
Prescription Drug CostsClick the link to review our one pager for more information on prescription drug costs.

If you need help with prescription drug costs, contact our Consumer Assistance Program
Private Health InsuranceIf you’re running into problems with your insurance and coverage under your plan, you should first directly contact your health insurance company to attempt to resolve the issue. If the issue is not resolved, contact Colorado’s Department of Insurance (DOI). They can answer questions about your health insurer, policy, billing practices, and your rights and protections.
Submitting a Complaint to Co Division of InsuranceThe Division can investigate complaints, help you understand your insurance, and answer your questions. When you submit a complaint to the DOI, they communicate directly with your insurance carrier with regulatory and disciplinary actions to enforce our health insurance laws.
File a Complaint
Surprise Medical Bills, Out-of-Network Billing, Balance BillingAs of January 1, 2022, the federal No Surprises Act is in effect. This federal law expands surprise billing protections to individuals with insurance plans not regulated under the Colorado protections. Click on the link to learn more about Surprise Medical Bills.
Types of Health InsuranceThis guide will help you understand your options for getting health insurance for you and your family in Colorado, either through a job or on your own.

How can we help?*

  • Applying for financial assistance for a hospital procedure

  • Screening for health coverage through Medicaid

  • Appealing a health insurance medical claim denial

  • Screening for prescription drug cost assistance

*Note: CAP services include medical bill and claim navigation, but we do not offer financial help to pay for medical bills or prescriptions. 

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Need help?

Click here to get assistance with your medical bill or prescription drug costs.

Colorado Consumer Health Initiative
303 E 17th Ave, Suite 400
Denver, CO 80203



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