Access & Affordability

All Coloradans should have access to the health care they need, when they need it, and be able to afford it. While the Affordable Care Act has helped many Coloradans obtain health insurance, we know there are many that still struggle to access and afford the care they need because they cannot find a doctor or because the out-of-pocket costs are too high.

Recent Work in this Area

Health Equity Statement: Structural racism and government policies have concentrated health risk and chronic disease burden in BIPOC and low-income communities. Due to the vicious cycle of affordability, access, structural racism, and financial instability, BIPOC Coloradans are both more likely to need care for disease and health concerns and less likely to be able to afford and access care. And are more likely to suffer from the financial toxicity of higher out-of-pocket costs and medical debt. Expanding and improving health coverage and affordability is an important step to protect Coloradans while we address the root causes of health disparities.

Creating a public option for health coverage

For years, we have worked towards more affordable and equitable health insurance coverage through the creation of a public option in Colorado. By passing HB21-1232, Colorado is creating new standardized insurance plans that are focused on addressing racial health disparities by providing key services without cost-sharing, such as primary, behavioral, and perinatal health care. Insurers will be required to meet premium reduction targets on these plans to make them more affordable. Colorado Option plans will also be required to meet enhanced provider network standards to ensure provider networks are more culturally responsive to the needs of the people they cover. Colorado will be able to draw down millions of dollars in savings from lower premiums from the federal government. This money will be reinvested in Colorado’s Health Insurance Affordability Enterprise (SB20-215) to further improve affordability and access to coverage, especially for those that have been left without affordable coverage such as undocumented individuals and people that fall in the “family glitch.” Colorado Option plans will be offered in the individual and small employer markets as well as through the Affordability Enterprise starting in 2023.

Improving affordability and assistance for Coloradans left out of coverage

1 in 5 Coloradans struggle to afford health coverage and care. This is especially true for Coloradans that have been left out of financial assistance under the ACA. By continuing to collect a small fee on insurance plans in Colorado, we have created the Health Insurance Affordability Enterprise through SB20-215. While this Enterprise funds the state reinsurance program that keeps insurance premiums lower and more stable, it most importantly also establishes state financial assistance to provide high-value coverage for Coloradans without documentation and those that fall in the “family glitch” of the ACA and provide additional assistance to those that already qualify for ACA subsidies to further improve affordability and access.

Ensuring transgender Coloradans cannot be denied equitable insurance coverage for health care services

We have worked hard in Colorado to ensure that all Coloradans, regardless of their gender identity, can access the care they need. SB21-016 helps ensure access to preventive health care services, and HB21-1108 ensures that Coloradans cannot be discriminated against because of their gender expression. Colorado also revised the benchmark plan, becoming the first state in the country to ensure that the Essential Health Benefits required in the individual and small employer markets starting in 2023 will cover gender-affirming care services that are vital for the physical and mental well-being of transgender Coloradans.

Our Work

Protecting Consumers

Coloradans should not face financial hardship because they need access to health care or because they have received health care services. CCHI works to protect consumers from health care industry practices that jeopardize the health and financial security of Colorado families.

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Social Determinants of Health

Structural barriers based on race, ethnicity, income, LGBTQ status, and age among others, prevent individuals from getting the health care they need and deserve. We work toward health equity by addressing systems of oppression and barriers that lead to disparate health outcomes.

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Reimagining Health Care

Structural barriers based on race, ethnicity, income, LGBTQ status, and age among others, prevent individuals from getting the health care they need and deserve. We work toward health equity by addressing systems of oppression and barriers that lead to disparate health outcomes.

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Prescription Drug Affordability

Every year health care costs continue to rise, becoming an even bigger percentage of our economy and an increasingly unsustainable portion of family budgets. We are working to control costs and hold the health care industry accountable to patients.

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At the Capitol

Every year, CCHI fights for policies and bills that improve health care for Coloradans during the legislative session and year round within Colorado’s agencies that oversee health care. CCHI ensures consumers interests are advanced and protected in private insurance, Medicaid, hospitals and physicians’ offices, and access to prescription drugs. We empower Coloradans to use their own health care experiences to make positive change.

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Colorado Consumer Health Initiative
303 E 17th Ave, Suite 400
Denver, CO 80203



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