Prescription Drug Affordability

One of the primary drivers of health care costs are unaffordable and steadily increasing prescription drug costs that take up an increasingly unsustainable portion of family budgets. We are working to control prescription drug costs and ensure Coloradans can access the medications they need to take care of their health.

Recent Work in this Area

Health Equity Statement: Before COVID, nearly 1 in 3 Coloradans struggled to afford their prescriptions, with many forced to make an impossible choice between filling prescriptions and paying for rent or food. We also know that this issue disproportionately impacts Coloradans who have been systematically excluded from the health care system. Historic and ongoing oppression has made BIPOC and low-income Coloradans more likely to have chronic diseases that may require prescriptions to maintain wellness and have heightened barriers to access and afford their medications.

Creating transparency and accountability in prescription drug pricing

We championed SB21-175, which created a Prescription Drug Affordability Board for the state. The board will conduct affordability reviews of drugs that are triggered based on a drug’s costs or price increases. After reviewing a drug, the board will have the ability to limit the costs paid for a drug throughout the state, and ensure that savings are passed on to consumers. This bill is projected to save Coloradans up to 75% on the most unaffordable drugs and will pave the way for a more equitable health care system that prioritizes the wellbeing of patients over profits for the pharmaceutical industry.

Advocating for a drug importation program to bring lower cost prescription medications from Canada and other countries

No country in the world pays the same high costs for prescription drugs as we do in the United States. That’s why we helped pass legislation (SB19-005) to design and implement a drug importation program to bring high-cost medications from Canada to Coloradans at a lower price. We also supported the passage of SB21-123 to pave the way to import drugs from outside of Canada when approved by the federal government to enable us to expand supply and increase competition to access even more affordable drugs.

Capping monthly costs for insulin

It’s no secret that prescription drug costs are too high and Coloradans want to see more done to lower their drug costs. Many Coloradans with diabetes pay hundreds, sometimes thousands, of dollars a month for their insulin with their insurance until meeting their deductible or out-of-pocket maximum. Working with our members and individual advocates, we helped pass HB19-1216 and HB21-1307. Together, these bills capped the 30 day supply of insulin to $100/month even before someone reaches their insurance deductible for Coloradans on state-regulated plans and established an Insulin Affordability Program where eligible Coloradans can get access to one prescription for insulin for maximum of $35 a month for 12 months. We will continue to fight to bring down prescription drug costs that Coloradans are struggling to afford.

Our Work

Protecting Consumers

Coloradans should not face financial hardship because they need access to health care or because they have received health care services. CCHI works to protect consumers from health care industry practices that jeopardize the health and financial security of Colorado families.

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Access & Affordability

All Coloradans should have access to the health care they need, when they need it, and be able to afford it. While the Affordable Care Act has helped many Coloradans obtain health insurance, we know there are many that still struggle to access and afford the care they need because they cannot find a doctor or because the out-of-pocket costs are too high.

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Social Determinants of Health

Structural barriers based on race, ethnicity, income, LGBTQ status, and age among others, prevent individuals from getting the health care they need and deserve. We work toward health equity by addressing systems of oppression and barriers that lead to disparate health outcomes.

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Reimagining Health Care

Structural barriers based on race, ethnicity, income, LGBTQ status, and age among others, prevent individuals from getting the health care they need and deserve. We work toward health equity by addressing systems of oppression and barriers that lead to disparate health outcomes.

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At the Capitol

Every year, CCHI fights for policies and bills that improve health care for Coloradans during the legislative session and year round within Colorado’s agencies that oversee health care. CCHI ensures consumers interests are advanced and protected in private insurance, Medicaid, hospitals and physicians’ offices, and access to prescription drugs. We empower Coloradans to use their own health care experiences to make positive change.

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Colorado Consumer Health Initiative
303 E 17th Ave, Suite 400
Denver, CO 80203



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