Cost and Quality Don't Match Up in Many Colorado Hospitals

Cost and Quality Don't Match Up in Many Colorado Hospitals

by Adam Fox Today, working with our partners at the Colorado Business Group on Health, we released the Colorado Hospital Value Report. We have known for a while that hospital charges and quality don’t necessarily match up – that is, higher charges...

The Sweetness of Life

Isabelle Nathanson One year ago, I was graduating from college and celebrating with a mentor I had been paired with through my scholarship program. Together, Sarah and I looked back on 4 years of growth and challenges and turned forward towards new adventures.  I had...

CCHI's 2019 Legislative Champions

On May 8th at our annual legislative wrap up event, CCHI recognized two legislators with Legislative Champion Awards for their work to improve health care for Colorado consumers. Representatives Daneya Esgar and Dylan Roberts are the CCHI 2019 Legislative Champion...
I Love Medicaid Services. I will pay to use them.

I Love Medicaid Services. I will pay to use them.

By Mahi Palanisami A few summers ago, I worked for a company teaching summer camps. During one hot summer day, a tired looking camper said he felt ill after returning from playground break. I told him to drink some water, and then the teaching assistant and I made a...
Medical Debt Collections: CCHIs Deep Dive

Medical Debt Collections: CCHIs Deep Dive

Savanah McDaniel, Policy Fellow Medical debt is the number one cause of bankruptcy in the United States. After recent local media coverage and the sheer frequency of medical debt issues, Coloradans may not find this surprising. According to a 9News investigation,...
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