On May 8th at our annual legislative wrap up event, CCHI recognized two legislators with Legislative Champion Awards for their work to improve health care for Colorado consumers. Representatives Daneya Esgar and Dylan Roberts are the CCHI 2019 Legislative Champion Awardees!
Rep. Daneya Esgar received the Legislative Champion award for her efforts on House Bill 19-1174, concerning out of network billing. Ever since joining the legislature, Rep. Esgar has championed access to quality affordable health care, and she has always been a champion of women’s health and LGBTQ rights. She has worked with CCHI for two long years on our surprise out of network billing legislation, and has been supportive of many of our other priority bills. On the out of network legislation, she worked tirelessly with the many stakeholders to negotiate amendments and to ensure all voices were heard. Above all she maintained her commitment to ensuring that consumers are protected. Thank you Rep. Esgar.
Rep. Dylan Roberts received the Legislative Champion award for his work on prescription drug and public option legislation. In the two years that Rep. Roberts has served as a legislator, he has been a champion for improving prescription drug cost transparency as well as improving access to affordable coverage. He was a prime sponsor on a bill (HB19-1216) to reduce insulin drug prices and a bill (HB19-1077) to allow for pharmacists to dispense chronic care medications like insulin without a prescription in an emergency. In response to urgent concerns from his constituents about the cost of health care he led efforts to get Colorado closer to a public option. He was the prime house sponsor on HB19-1004. He too has put consumers first and worked collaboratively and openly with all stakeholders. Thank you Rep. Roberts.