by Aubrey Hasvold I recently broke my femur. I was taking a slow, easy jog around City Park when it happened. No, I was not hit by an oncoming car – a question I have been asked innumerable times in the last few months because my injury was so bizarre and unlikely. It...
by Allie Broas, Program and Administrative Assistant Collecting and sharing consumer stories is a large part of our work, mostly so we can champion the successes Colorado consumers have with the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Sometimes, though, we receive stories of...
by Amber Burkhart, Health Policy Fellow While most Coloradans are still enjoying the heat of the summer, Connect For Health Colorado (C4HCO) is gearing up for open enrollment, starting November 15, 2014! Using lessons learned over the past year, the staff at C4HCO is...
by Nina Roumell The Story March 31st, 2014 was the last day of open enrollment- the time period in which individuals and families can enroll in private health insurance. Since when can I only buy health insurance during a specific time? Starting in 2014, the...
Lorenzo Ramirez is a health care advocate living in Denver. He is excited about the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and knows it’s benefits were worth the fight! Before the ACA Lorenzo was uninsured; now he is paying $170 a month for a comprehensive plan so he can get...
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