Colorado takes step forward on LGBT Health

Can you imagine being refused health care simply for being who you are? Sadly, many of us don’t have to imagine at all. We all know someone who has been denied medically necessary care simply because of who they are – and that’s just plain wrong. Getting the care you...

Rate Review: Saving You From Double Digit Increases

  by Matt Valeta, Health Policy Fellow Colorado’s rate review program has protected consumers from rate increases as high as 24 percent. Established in 2008, rate review allows the commissioner of insurance to review all health insurance rate increases in the...

Obamacare in 2012 and What's Next

  2012 was an amazing year for Obamacare in Colorado and for the nation. Thanks to Obamacare, consumers across the country saved over $1 billion in premiums and gained access to a lot of new benefits. Here are some of the highlights. Under the 80/20 rule insurance...
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