Media Statement
For Immediate Release: September 8, 2011
Contact: Serena Woods, (541) 913-3194 or Jenny Davies-Schley, (720) 296-9545
(The following statement may be attributed to the Colorado Consumer Health Initiative, Dede de Percin, Executive Director)
This decision is a victory for Coloradans who are already benefiting from the Affordable Care Act, such as young adults who can remain covered through their parents’ health care plan until age 26, women and seniors who are getting preventative care without co-pays and small employers who receive tax credits to help them offer insurance to their staff.
A majority of the court indicated that the law should be upheld on the merits. The scorecard so far is clearly on the side of upholding the Affordable Care Act — 17 district courts have thrown out challenges to federal health reform, or ruled in its favor, and only two courts have ruled against it. We feel confident that ultimately the law will be upheld.
Spurious legal challenges to the Affordable Care Act are about politics, not about the law. In recent years, our state has been moving forward with Colorado solutions to ensuring health care and coverage to our communities. The framework and resources provided through the Affordable Care Act are key to reaching our state’s goals more quickly. Fully implemented, Obamacare will ensure that Coloradans get the affordable quality health care they need – when they need it – without unreasonable barriers.
Colorado Consumer Health Initiative represents 60+ Colorado health organizations with more than 500,000 health care consumer members. CCHI advocates for affordable, accessible quality health care for all Coloradans.