Media Statement
For Immediate Release: September 1, 2011
Contact:  Serena Woods, (541) 913-3194

Denver – Dede de Percin, Executive Director of the Colorado Consumer Health Initiative (CCHI), released the following statement regarding the Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies’ (DORA) new consumer-friendly website for insurance rate information:

“This announcement from the Division of Insurance (DOI) is a step forward for Coloradans. This website and the grant from HHS, made possible by the Affordable Care Act, opens doors to consumers by allowing Coloradans to make informed decisions and enhancing DOI’s capacity to review rates. 

These efforts to increase health insurance rate transparency are particularly important to us because CCHI worked to pass rate review in Colorado in 2008. This website expands these efforts to further protect Colorado’s consumers. The Colorado Consumer Health Initiative provided input about the DOI website and how to make it consumer-friendly. ###

Colorado Consumer Health Initiative represents 60+ Colorado health organizations with more than 500,000 health care consumer members.  CCHI advocates for affordable, accessible quality health care for all Coloradans.



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