Tuesday, February 20th 5:15-6:30pm
Registration Required

The Colorado Coalition for the Homeless and Housekeys Action Network Denver are joining CCHI for a panel discussion on Housing as Health Care. This panel works from the assertion that housing IS health care, and that our unhoused neighbors face unique and staggering barriers to accessing health care. Rather than just present the “problem” of barriers to accessing housing, health care, and other essential resources, we hope to highlight the work of two organizations with distinct approaches to providing life-saving support and resources to our unhoused neighbors, and in expanding this support through policy initiatives at the local and state level.
Missed the panel? Watch the recording below with the password: T.8p*&h4
Partner Organizations
Housekeys Action Network Denver (HAND) was created in 2022 to build the fight for housing from the priorities of houseless people. Housing development and policies should be directed by people who need that housing. To this end our first work is to hit the streets, the shelters, the formerly homeless housing sites, with the Housing Outreach Survey — created by HAND together with Western Regional Advocacy Project (WRAP) — to gather input, information, and expertise from people who are or were houseless. This survey will be used to direct our work to fight for housing for all.
HAND fights as and with people who are, were, and may become houseless in the Denver community.
HAND exists to fight for housing for all, to fight for housing as determined by people without housing, and to fight for housing as a public resource for all – not a commodity for the rich.
Colorado Coalition for the Homeless (CCH) was established in 1984 as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Founded by a group of individuals with a will to act on behalf of people experiencing homelessness in Colorado, they recognized the struggles of people living in poverty and built the Stout Street Clinic.
The Mission of the Colorado Coalition for the Homeless is to work collaboratively toward the prevention of homelessness and the creation of lasting solutions for families, children, and individuals who are experiencing or at-risk of homelessness throughout Colorado. CCH advocates for and provides a continuum of housing and a variety of services to improve the health, well-being and stability of those it serves.