Check out our new infographic that explains, in both English and Spanish, health insurance eligibility for mixed status families. It breaks down qualifications for financial assistance (tax credit, Medicaid, and/or CHP+) by monthly incomes.
This easy-to-follow infographic not only provides resources for lawful permanent residents, green card holders and refugees, but also provides resources to find nearby health services for undocumented immigrants. It also clarifies that when applying for health coverage, personal information will NOT be used for immigration enforcement. This can be a significant concern among many families and can be a barrier to getting health coverage.
Download the PDFs here:
En Español:
This infographic is an excellent tool for community health clinics and community centers that work directly with immigrant families. We have a limited number of printed copies we can give out so if you are interested in printed copies or if you have any questions, please contact Amber Burkhart, Health Policy Fellow, at (303) 839-1261 or at