By Kristen Moree

I’m healthy, young, active, and recently insured!

At first, I was very overwhelmed with the whole process of buying health insurance. I had been on my parents plan throughout college, and had never shopped for coverage on my own. I knew I was going to need some help navigating the enrollment process, so I made an appointment with a health coverage guide near my house. 

It was a little bit difficult finding time to make an appointment- being that I work two jobs. I’m a waitress in Cherry Creek and work at a non-profit called First Descents that does outdoor adventure therapy for young adults with cancer. I finally made the time and scheduled an appointment with 4 days left to enroll! 

My friend had told me that I needed to be denied Medicaid before I could apply for financial assistance through Connect for Health Colorado, so I already had my denial number when I met with the health coverage guide. I was ready to start shopping! I needed the peace of mind of knowing that if something happens, I’m covered. Given my projected income, the health coverage guide said I was eligible for $150.00 in tax credits! I am paying 77 cents a month for my plan and $15/month for dental! What a relief! I was so worried I would not be able to afford a plan and have to risk it. I can happily say that I found an affordable plan that meets my needs. I know that accidents can happen and probably would not have been able to enjoy climbing and snowboarding the way I do now if I didn’t have insurance.


Thanks Connect for Health Colorado!

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